
Emmanuel Medeiros

The hat I'm wearing is package design because as a graphic designer our work isn't just two dimensional. Package design is a way for our work to come to life and is just one of many of our skills.






The outcome for this project was to create a masthead using one word and use illustration to expressively portray what the magazine content is about. Vinyl is a quarterly magazine that is all about featuring lesser-known genres. Each issue features one genre and includes articles talking about what the music sounds like, some of the prominent artists in the industry, album drops, and influences the genre has from around the world.

Vinyl would not only be a physically published magazine, but it would also feature e-publications and would allow for better interaction between readers and the content inside every article.


The outcome for this project was to create a masthead using one word and use illustration to expressively portray what the magazine content is about. Vinyl is a quarterly magazine that is all about featuring lesser-known genres. Each issue features one genre and includes articles talking about what the music sounds like, some of the prominent artists in the industry, album drops, and influences the genre has from around the world.

Soap Travel Box




Package Design

The goal of the project was to create an innovative package design. The package must have an additional use besides only containing the product. Soap packaging hasn't seen any innovations so that's where the concept started. Soap dishes are a product specifically made for containing soap as well, so my idea was to combine the two.

A design was created using the Dove identity that allows the standard packaging box to be opened by the consumer and folded into a soap dish. The design also allows the ability for it to be put back together and taken with you wherever you go. The design is perfect for traveling, camping, or just keeping your favourite soap with you. The package is made from a wax coated paper, so it can endure long term use from water exposure.

Soap Travel Box

The goal of the project was to create an innovative package design. The package must have an additional use besides only containing the product. Soap packaging hasn't seen any innovations so that's where the concept started. Soap dishes are a product specifically made for containing soap as well, so my idea was to combine the two.




App Design

Motion Graphics

Docket is an app concept that streamlines users time, so they spend less time on running errands and more time on other things, like hanging out with friends and family. Using data that Google supplies like traffic congestion, store peak times, and hours of operation automates and streamlines the user’s day by finding optimal times to get your errands finished and which routes to take. Oh! And be sure to add a new task inviting your friends out to dinner.

So how does Docket work? Docket works by you creating a new task and selecting a location, time and duration, timeline, and you can invite contacts too. When picking a location there are two options "Open" and "Fixed". You would pick Open if you wanted to go eat, attend an event or run an errand but don't have a specific place in mind. Fixed would be picked if you already had a location you wanted to go to. Next would be setting up a time which would have the same options, Open and Fixed. Selecting Open allows for that task to be placed wherever in your Docket, while Fixed you let you set a specific time of day. The third option is to pick a timeline, when you want to have the task done by. Do you want the task to be done today or within a week? Lastly is to invite any contacts, the best thing about it is when people once everyone accepts the invite it will automatically fit into everyone’s schedule. Not only does Docket let you set your own schedule, but it also lets users explore different events or locations.


Docket is an app concept that streamlines users time, so they spend less time on running errands and more time on other things, like hanging out with friends and family. Using data that Google supplies like traffic congestion, store peak times, and hours of operation automates and streamlines the user’s day by finding optimal times to get your errands finished and which routes to take. Oh! And be sure to add a new task inviting your friends out to dinner.

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