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Dissection is to methodically cut up and analyze something dead to see how it lived in the first place. There is something there that had a spark. I have a passion for reviving something most have considered lifeless.

Noteworthy Influences:

1. Stanley Kubrick

2. Frank Miller

3. Jack White

A set of film posters illustrated and designed to represent the works of director Nicolas Winding Refn.

The corporate rebranding of the local Sudbury record store 'Records on Wheels'.

A poster designed for an independent film adaption of Ayn Rand's 'The Fountainhead'.

Event Highlights

The Open Studio

Field Notes was the inaugural event for Cambrian College's Open Studio, located at 93 Cedar Street in Downtown Sudbury. It took place on April 18th, 2013. Here's a look at the festivities:

Promotional Video

The promotional video was the product of a small and dedicated group of 3rd year Graphic Design students. Special thanks to those who took on this project: Paul Morse, Terrie Barksey, Chad Weiss, Jennaka Urisk, and Terri Scherzinger.

Supportive Associations:

Cambrian College Graphic Design Sudbury Design Society RGD Ontario