pen icon




To distill is to purify by extracting essential elements. Breaking down the components of a challenge can create clarity in value and communication. Analysis and subtraction are constants in the design process, often leading to meaningful solutions.

Noteworthy Influences:

1. Philip Glass

2. Dieter Rams Principles of Good Design

3. Oslo Fjord

Postcard is an email web app for kids under ten years old, designed to introduce them to the email process and online etiquette. The app teaches kids how to interact digitally with friends and family by integrating playful features like writing a message with their mouse, painting a picture, recording an audio message, and taking a photo with their webcam. Safety and security features were implemented by limiting incoming and outgoing mail to a list of contacts pre-approved by parents, and by sending copies of all sent and received mail to the parent's Postcard account. A pop-up alphabetical keyboard and account information are displayed primarily in a visual manner, to accommodate younger users still learning to read.

The identity redesign for Swiss has been developed by abstracting the traditional bold cross, which appears on the flag of Switzerland, to resemble an aerial view of an airplane. The mark is designed in a traditional, minimalist, Swiss style. The pattern used throughout the branding is meant to compliment the identity, and is created by rotating the cross—the base of the Swiss mark.

Drift is a social mobile app for long distance couples and couples separated by distance, due to frequent travel. The app is isolated from the distractions of social media and standard email, and acts as a private place where couples can interact intimately together. Functions include writing daily journals, pinning locations on maps, and sending love (kiss, holding hands, by your side).

Event Highlights

The Open Studio

Field Notes was the inaugural event for Cambrian College's Open Studio, located at 93 Cedar Street in Downtown Sudbury. It took place on April 18th, 2013. Here's a look at the festivities:

Promotional Video

The promotional video was the product of a small and dedicated group of 3rd year Graphic Design students. Special thanks to those who took on this project: Paul Morse, Terrie Barksey, Chad Weiss, Jennaka Urisk, and Terri Scherzinger.

Supportive Associations:

Cambrian College Graphic Design Sudbury Design Society RGD Ontario